Learn English

English for kids:

English for adults:


English for adults

Basic A1

Pre-intermediate A2

Intermediate B1

Advanced (B2-C1)

Conversational English

Commercial English

English applied to leather goods

Tutorial Classes

Tutorial classes are private face-to-face classes for a student with the teacher.

The contents of the class are adapted to what the student needs to learn and to the reinforcement of the contents where the student finds more difficulty.

The center assignes a teacher following the preferences and availability of the schedule that the student has indicated.

Online Classes

Online Teletraining Classes

In this mode you can access the course content whenever you want during the teaching period.

It is as simple as accessing the virtual campus with the user code and password that we will provide you, you set the learning pace yourself

You can consult the catalog of online courses

Online Classes – Virtual Classroom:

The course is taught in real time, live. The student must connect to the virtual classroom at a certain time and will be able to interact with the teacher in real time. It is the modality most similar to physically attending the classroom.

Official Certifications